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Institut für Rechtsmedizin

The microbiome Workshop 2nd -3rd November 2023



We welcome you to our microbiome in applied settings workshop! We are excited to host our first microbiome workshop focusing specifically on applications of microbiome-based analyses in applies settings with special focus on diagnostics and forensics science.

For a more detailed program please refer to the practical information.

Abstract submissions and guidelines please refer to the abstract submission.

For any more questions feel free to contact us.

Contact details:

Meghna Swayambhu, MSc.

Dr. Enrique Rayo Blasco

Lydia Kirsche, MSc.

Funding by the UZH Graduate Campus is gratefully acknowledged

Abstract submission

Abstract submission:

Abstract submission is open for current PhD students and Post-Doc candidates for “brief talks” by junior researchers. Brief talks are meant to be elevator pitches highlighting the candidate’s research topic focusing on the application of microbiome-based tools. Each talk should be limited to 7 mins + 3 min for questions. We have allotted only 20 slots for “brief talks” which will be assigned based on novelty and application of microbiome-based tools. Brief talk applications are restricted to on-site participants only. You can submit the abstracts using the form below by 13th Oct 2023

Abstract details:

  • All abstracts must have a short but descriptive title.
  • Please provide the details of the presenter in the first author box and all the co-authors in the co-author boxes.
  • Please list all the affiliations in the affiliations box starting with the presenter’s affiliation.
  • Limit the body of the abstract to 300 words.

Abstract submission form

* Field is mandatory

ATTENTION: You might encounter an error message after submitting the abstract. However, check your provided email’s spam and inbox for submission confirmation. Please re-submit abstracts ONLY if you DID NOT receive a submission confirmation

(last author must be the PI)

(starting with the presenter’s affiliation)

Abstract body (300 words)

Practical information